A fantastic record from Kitty Haywood and her female vocal quartet -- an ensemble that shifted easily between secular and spiritual material, and who did a lot of backing work on the Chicago scene in the 70s. The set's one of their few albums as a group -- and it's a sublime batch of Chicago modern tunes produced by Gene Barge, with a sparkling Capitol Rare sort of sound. Kitty's got an approach that's a bit like Minnie Riperton at times -- and Gene's production is perfect for her here, keeping most of the tracks in an unobtrusive mellow groove mode that makes the album really hold together. Includes the sublime "Mystic Stranger", plus "Someone To Somebody", "Sweet Taste Of Honey", "You Are The Reason", "It's Real", "You Can't Say I Didn't Try", "Holy One" and "Can't Wait For Your Love".