Plenty of control here -- as Ray Parker's at the height of his 80s hitmaking power, scoring strongly on one of his key classics from the decade for Arista! The tunes have a bit more of that catchy, rhythm-heavy sound that Parker was forging at the start of the decade -- a quality that moves away from straight mainstream soul into crossover territory that would only suit Ray even more strongly a few years later. There's plenty of numbers here that aim strongly for radio play on both sides of the fence, but Parker balances things out with enough traces of his roots to keep things interesting. Titles include "Electronic Lover", "Woman Out Of Control", "Invasion", "N2U2", "She Still Feels The Need", and "In The Heat Of The Night".
je viens de voir que ton blog va devenir privé bientot...
RépondreSupprimerbon je ne suis pas venu souvent mais a chaque fois je n'ai pas été déçu!
j'espère que tu m'accordera malgré tout un accès dans le futur..
merci pour le lp l'ancien